Brainstorming, igniting intention

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Brainstorming 🧠✨🔥
About the kind of person I want to be, to live into. About the kinds of people I want to call to me in my personal life and in my business. This is what I want for everyone I work with.

I want to be surrounded by people who are ready to have a say in the impact of their lives. I want to cultivate a community of people who are actively choosing their direction and inspiring others to compassion, generosity, and abundant love through their actions. I want my clients’ inner light, their inherent motivation to be and share in enthusiastic joy and compassion, to radiate from them and positively influence everyone they encounter.

Preparing for your death isn’t all doom and gloom, y’all!!! It’s breathing into that realness, that realization that your time is finite, and IGNITING 🔥 to not waste one single moment of it.

I had an interesting conversation on Instagram yesterday that had me thinking deeply about dealing with death anxiety and the pressure of “living every day like it’s our last.” We talked a lot more than I’m sharing here but here is a key exchange:

They said: I guess I just have a hard time grappling with the fact that it’s so unpredictable. I know I “should” live every day like it’s my last but that puts so much pressure on me and scares me into thinking that I’m not doing “enough” or that I’m wasting my life away on days when I’m sad or frustrated or tired.

I replied: There is a balance, somewhere between the grasping it-could-happen-at-any-second and the releasing of ahhh okay breathe, it could happen at any second and I am at peace with that. That comes with reflection on your own values, what’s important to you, deciding how you want to impact the world. Everyone has something to give and contribute.

What I help people do in life reviews is figure out their real values - what’s important to you for the time you do have. So that whatever comes each day, you can make decisions rooted in what’s really important instead of reacting and floating through life. Reacting and floating is survival and crucial and sometimes all we can do. But when we can have a say, take it and run with it. ✨🔥

I want you to have a say.


When can you start hospice care?


PRESS: Featured in the Acadiana Advocate